The Hungry Stuntgirl

May 30, 20203 min

A "WHOLE" Thing to Battle the Quarantine Fifteen (A.K.A. - "Pounds Gained While Being Detained")

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

I find myself back where I started nearly seven years ago when I first started "The Hungry Stuntgirl" blog. I am not at my peak performance physique by any means, and I'm really getting down on myself for it. Eating ice cream, baking breads and desserts have become the usual instead of the occasional, and my workouts have become a bit lazy and not very interesting.


I find myself dealing with being home so much by reaching out to help others, doing live workouts from my living room for folks who need a little motivation to get moving, and learning new skills - like podcasting. All of these things are taking up the time just fine - but there is something missing. Waking up seems to be getting harder, and my joints are sore and swollen from eating the sweets and gluten and the general restlessness and inconsistent sleep patterns. What is going on?


There is no doubt that the mental and emotional stress of what is going on in the world right now is affecting us all in one way or another, and many people in very profound and massive ways. Our way of life is just becoming so confusing - not knowing which "scientific" studies to believe, what to do when wearing a mask, the order in which we touch things or buy groceries or even behave around other humans.


It seems the better handle we have on what we CAN do can significantly help our mental and emotional state. So I asked myself, "Heidi. What is one thing you can control that would make a significant impact on your physical and mental health?" To which I responded, "Well, Heidi, you can control what you put in your mouth!"

Well, it went something like that anyway...

Just as I did seven years ago, I've decided to make a public declaration of committing myself to a "Whole 30" days of eating clean - heavily based on the "Whole 30" diet / nutritional reset. Although the program is replete with a full nutritional guide and rules, I've decided to modify slightly based on my current situation, and knowing that legumes don't have such a profound negative affect on me personally - but the rules are still pretty simple:


  • Whole veggies and some fruit

  • Pasture raised animal protein in moderation

  • Healthy fats, nuts and seeds

  • SOME whole grain products in moderation (Whole 30 does not allow any, I am permitting SMALL amounts of rice and other soaked or sprouted grains - tbd)

  • SOME diary (limited to small amounts of HARD/aged cheeses I.e. -pecorrino or sheep/goat milk based diary, VERY little greek or home-made yogurt)


  • Processed foods

  • Added sugars

  • Grains, pastas, breads

  • MOST Dairy - (All milk, most cheese)


Pretty simple stuff, right?

It won't be too easy - and I suppose I'll just have to feed my sourdough starter once a week and keep her in the refrigerator until this month is completed.

It won't be hard either. As long as we focus on what we CAN do - or in this case, CAN eat, I know the other side of this month will be at the very least, a healthier one. Eating TOO restrictively, in my personal case, will lead to yo-yo-ing and rebounding with a half gallon of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

Time to crack out all of my fun kitchen toys and prep up some delicious Whole 30 meals! Next on my to buy list? An INSTANT POT!

For foods I would recommend - both within this challenge and just for sustained healthy lifestyle eating - I use Thrive Market. If you go through this page, they will give you up to $20 off of your first order with your subscription. I will be periodically putting links to items I'll be using in recipes for you as well. I am a paid member myself and my life has gotten so much easier (especially NOW with the state of grocery stores) ordering through Thrive Market.

Who is with me?

In hunger pangs and vampire fangs,

The Hungry Stuntgirl
